Guests are now welcome to enjoy Helsinki’s newest seaside terrace. A unique, floating summer terrace was opened on Säästöpankinranta, Hakaniemi, in front of Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, on 24th May. In addition to seaside views and summery drinks, you can indulge in some delicious dishes on the sunny terrace of Meripaviljonki. The terrace is attached to another floating building, the Meripaviljonki seafood restaurant.
The Meripaviljonki terrace is bathed in sunshine throughout the day, and guests can also admire the new fountain on Eläintarhanlahti Bay. The beautiful terrace surrounded by glass railings is sheltered with canopies, and gas heaters will offer warmth on cooler evenings. You can also arrive by boat, as restaurant Meripaviljonki has six berths of its own.

New terrace to liven up the Hakaniemi area
The terrace was commissioned by Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, and the restaurant is operated by the Ravintolakolmio Group. The Meripaviljonki terrace will be open from morning to evening, depending on the weather. The terrace is intended for consumer customers, but the space can also be booked for private breakfast events.
“We are expecting visitors from near and far. The construction of the terrace is something quite unique, after all. The new terrace should also attract customers from Helsinki Congress Paasitorni. It is a natural part of the development project currently under way in Hakaniemi,” says Managing Director Osku Pajamäki from Helsinki Congress Paasitorni.
“Restaurant Meripaviljonki, with its stylish terrace, is a welcome addition to the cityscape, and it supports the recently published maritime strategy of the City of Helsinki,” Pajamäki continues.
Welcome to enjoy the summer with us!