
Read about the aspects of Paasitorni’s services valued by our customers:

Highly recommended

The Finnish Nuclear Society ATS organised its third Nuclear and Technology Symposium SYP on 1–2 November 2022. Paasitorni was selected as the event location as the society had positive experiences from the location from before. Almost 200 participants attended the SYP conference, mainly from Finland but also from elsewhere in Europe and the United States.

Paasiravintola catered a tasty lunch, coffee service and dinner for the symposium. A generous and versatile buffet was set under the theme “Flavours of the World”. According to the organisers, the price-quality ratio of the food products was excellent.

Feedback from the participants showed that people have a clear need for in-person events and meeting others after the COVID 19 restrictions and remote meetings. The feedback also indicated that the participants were satisfied with both the symposium programme and practical arrangements.

Paasitorni was a pleasant and functioning place for our event. I can recommend Paasitorni and Sales Coordinator Taina Hallberg unconditionally to any colleagues planning an event of suitable size for Paasitorni.

- Taina Kurki-Suonio, Aalto University

Excellent collaboration

The Finnish White Ribbon Union is a nationwide women’s organisation founded in 1905. The work of the union is based on Christian values and supports individuals and families in living healthy and balanced lives and helps citizens at the level of society to combat substance abuse. The operations are directed at the whole population, both male and female. The union is a member of the World Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WWCTU), founded in 1891.

The Finnish White Ribbon Union hosted the 41st annual WWCTU conference in Paasitorni from 10 to 15 July 2019. The international congress was attended by participants from 21 countries, with 123 international guests. The most distant participant represented the White Ribbon Union of the island state of Vanuatu. In June 2020, the Finnish White Ribbon Union organised its own employee day in Paasitorni.

Our partnership has been excellent. You have helped us organise events that are demanding in relation to our own resources, and we have done well thanks to the help, expertise and understanding of your wonderful staff. Thanks also to the meeting host who was present in June, with a warm and genuine smile that really made us all feel welcome.

- Irja Eskelinen, Finnish White Ribbon Union

Safe meetings

SOSTE, the Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health, is a national umbrella organisation that brings together more than 230 social and healthcare organisations. SOSTE and its member organisations promote good social welfare and health conditions, opportunities for participation and a fair and responsible society.

The autumn forum for the chairpersons and directors of SOSTE’s member organisations was held in Paasitorni on 9 September 2020. The event was attended by nearly 90 participants, and remote access was also possible. The organisers praised Paasitorni for the technology available in the Sirkus hall and for the high standard of customer service and technical support. Serving schedules were flexible when needed. Special attention was paid to safety at the event.

The promised service was provided as expected. Clear instructions on accessibility and safe meeting practices were available on the website. The promised safety distances were kept, and there were enough hand sanitation points in different parts of the premises.

- Anni Autti, SOSTE

A model of professionalism, efficiency and kindness

The European Space Week 2019 was organised by the European Commission, under the auspices of Finland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union. It was the leading event for the European space programmes in 2019. The week brought together business, policy-makers, international experts and the space application user community. The events took place at Helsinki Congress Paasitorni 2-5 December 2019.

One of the best venues I had the chance to collaborate with. Despite the complexity of our event (only 3 months of preparation, 5 day event, a 72 hours non-stop Hackathon, 1000 participants, 1 SME Fair, more than 20 different sessions and two large networking evenings, etc….), the Paasitorni hasn’t made the slightest mistake. Each member of the team has been a model of professionalism, efficiency and kindness.

- Isabelle Deniaud, Director PCO & Asset Development, MCI Benelux

Exemplary service

In September 2017, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland organised the meeting of the Task Force on Arctic Marine Cooperation at Paasitorni. The Congress Hall offered a functional and impressive setting for the event and the catering received a lot of positive feedback. The organisers appreciated the professional, quick and friendly service provided throughout the meeting. Some of the participants stayed at the Scandic Paasi hotel, which has direct access to Paasitorni.

Photo: ACS/Linnea Nordström

The international meeting we held at Paasitorni went extremely well. Together with the chairperson of the working group Anita Mäkinen, we want to thank you and all your staff for the excellent arrangements and catering. Our collaboration was professional and pleasant. At the end of the meeting, one of our guests said, ‘I hope this venue sets the standard for future meetings’.

- Annariina Kukkonen, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and Anita Mäkinen, Trafi, TFAMC Co-Chair

A conference to the customer’s liking

In late August 2017, the National Institute for Health and Welfare organised an international, cross-disciplinary conference on drug problems. The Fourth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, held at Paasitorni in Helsinki, gathered together 130 experts from various parts of the world for three days. In addition to the spacious Sirkus hall, which served as the main venue, conference participants convened in a number of smaller spaces. The foyer connected to Sirkus, which also enjoys plenty of natural light, functioned as a space for breakfast and coffee breaks. Lunch was served in the adjacent restaurant Paasin Kellari. At the organiser’s preference, the food service was entirely vegetarian.

Photo: Akseli Virratvuori

We want to thank Paasitorni for the excellent cooperation – everything went smoothly, and the participants were happy with both the venue and the food!

- Pekka Hakkarainen and Kati Kataja, National Institute for Health and Welfare THL

A party to remember in the spirit of Finland 100

A staff event for the Emergency Response Centre Administration was held in the nearly 110-year-old Paasitorni in May 2017. Some 150 guests enjoyed the buffet laid on in the spirit of Finland’s centenary year and the fun-filled evening in the great Congress Hall, decorated according to the theme.

We are truly grateful for everything! You have an extraordinary team working there, and we hope to have the chance to work with you again. You can take pride in how you take care of your job, and your attitude is genuinely customer-oriented. A BIG thank you!

- Virpi Meri and Sirpa Riikonen, Emergency Response Centre Administration

Seamless cooperation with professionals

In September 2016, the seasoned and prize-winning event agency Tapahtumantekijät Ltd. produced a sauna-themed kick-off event in Paasitorni’s versatile Sirkus hall in cooperation with its customer.


Photo: Petra Lehtinen

What's the place where Finns discuss issues frankly and honestly, feel kinship and meet each other on equal ground? Well, it’s the sauna, of course. In our customer's kick-off event organised in Sirkus in the form of a sauna, the benches were visited by both management and employees. The discussion was open to everyone present either by digital means or in person. We rounded off the day with a dance at Paasiravintola (Restaurant Paasi). The event was a success. Our collaboration with Paasitorni worked well, and everything was taken care of smoothly and briskly. The food was excellent!

- Emma Laurinolli, Tapahtumantekijät

An impeccable service experience

The end of June 2016 saw more than 500 professionals from the library profession convening at Paasitorni for the international LIBER conference. This conference, along with its preliminary conferences, is held in a different European location every year, and this was the second time it was held in Helsinki. In addition to the large main hall, the conference required plenty of parallel and exhibition spaces. Paasitorni’s historic and aesthetically pleasing setting, the functional spaces and the much-lauded catering created a strong foundation for the successful event.


Photo: Linda Tammisto

We also want to thank Paasitorni's great staff, who were helpful, polite, friendly and swift in everything they did. Problem situations were handled quickly and with a good attitude. It was a joy to work with professionals.

- Susanna Eklund and Heli Kautonen, National Library of Finland

A flawless scientific conference

In late August 2016, 150 child neurologists from the Nordic countries convened at Paasitorni for the 36th Nordic Neuropediatric Congress. The event was organised by the Finnish Association of Pediatric Neurology in cooperation with the Nordic Neuropaediatric Society. The practical arrangements were taken care of by the congress service agency CongCreator.

The organisers and participants praised the three-day convention in Paasitorni for, among other things, the quality of the catering and the excellent service. Some of the guests stayed conveniently under the same roof, in the distinctive Scandic Paasi hotel.



Unique setting, top-class service

For several years now, the Finnish Psychiatric Association has trusted Paasitorni with the arrangements for its professional event, Psykiatripäivät. Our flexible and attentive staff, adequate and functional spaces, up-to-date technology and excellent restaurant services are all praised by the Psychiatric Association. The location is great, and accommodation in Scandic Paasi convenient.



A permanent and reliable contact person in the sales service is a treasure with whom you don't have to spend time and energy on going through things again and again

- Annika Wiikeri, Finnish Psychiatric Association